Wortmann Schuh-Holding KG
Klingenbergstr. 1-3
D-32758 Detmold
- Internet: www.wortmann.com
- E-Mail: info@wortmann.com
- Telephone: +49 5231 605 00
- Telefax: +49 5231 605 236
Personally liable partners:
- Jens Beining
- Wortmann Schuh-Holding Führungs GmbH,
AG Lemgo HRB 9211
Managing Director: Horst Wortmann - Wortmann Schuh Holding Verwaltungs GmbH,
AG Lemgo HRB 4051
Managing Director:
Horst Wortmann, Ulrich Klüber, Dott. Giovanni Lacatena,
Dr. Tobias Seng
Register Court: Lemgo district court
Registration number: HRA 3267
VAT ID number: DE 15 98 84 504
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© 2023 Wortmann Schuh-Holding KG
Web design and interactive development:
MEN AT WORK | Agency for multi-media communication
- Telephone +49 5232 9496-00
- Internet www.men-at-work.de