Our help pages answer the most frequently asked questions. If your query is not answered there, you can contact us by e-mail or telephone. Our support team would be delighted to be of assistance!
- The page is not displayed properly.
- How can I access the labelling regulations?
- I have not received a registration confirmation/welcome message by e-mail. What should I do?
- Forgot password?
- Can you save but not open PDF files?
- What is Adobe Reader?
- How is new and modified fine data made available and integrated into the system?
- What do I need to consider when making data available online?
What do I need to consider when making data available online?
In order to make new or modified data available only, use the upload wizard. For more about this, go to:
How is new and modified fine data made available and integrated into the system?
Please note that data transfer is interrupted when you close the respective browser window. Therefore do not close the window until you receive confirmation that the data has been fully sent.
Please note that it might take some time until large volumes of data is transmitted. The status bar informs you of the current transfer status.
If you encounter any difficulties, please contact us at: support-upload@wortmann.com
Last update on 2010-02-23 by .